Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Don't Know Why (There's No Sun Up in the Sky)

A little more Kynar siding appears on the front of the house
Stormy weather. Another excuse for no-one but yours truly to work on the house today. Yes, it's raining, it's pouring, and the old man is probably snoring, but really, couldn't the guys find something to do? We're falling further and further behind schedule, and unless the house finds a way to build itself I don't know when it's going to be finished.

The fire sprinkler system in thankfully finished
On the plus side, the electrical wiring is now complete, as is the fire sprinkler system. The latter is unfortunately required here in Pacifica (it added over $8,000 to the cost of the house), and we're also required to install flashing strobe lights and sirens in both the inside and the outside of the house. That's not going to look good!

This mess of wires represents my entire distributed A/V system
Carlos the Alarmist came last week and installed the Bay Alarm security system (and he has to come back because the fire sprinkler guys cut one of his wires), and the A/V guys from Crawford Satellite & Electronics finished their pre-wire for all of the home entertainment system components. As you can see above, everything conveniently terminates in the media closet in the second bedroom.

Kynar flat panels at the front of the house
It wasn't raining yesterday so Hector the Framer was able to get a few more Kynar panels installed on the front and side of the house, and I noticed today that the first corrugated panel was also installed. I'll get a photo after the scaffolding is removed, assuming that the weather improves.

The kitchen, and the newly clean front entry sliding doors
A rainy day seemed like as good a time as any to start cleaning the massive (and very dirty) windows around the house while listening to Band of Horses. I managed to finish the two sliders in the living room and the front door, but I need to spend at least another 2-3 hours at the house this weekend to get the rest of the windows vaguely clean.

Next up is tomorrow's wiring/plumbing and sprinkler system inspection. Assuming we pass, we can move on to installing insulation around the house in preparation for the arrival of the drywall guy, who should start hanging drywall next week.

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