Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mud Men - On Stilts

Think I'm kidding? Think again. Here's a picture of a mud man on stilts. If that isn't the coolest thing you've seen today please explain how and why not.

And here's another one. Isn't that much easier than constantly moving a ladder while you smooth mud around the ceilings of a house? I'd like to meet the person who thought of this and shake his (or her) hand.

The walls are now steadily approaching a state where they'll be ready for priming (although that day is still at least a week away), and the house already looks simply wonderful.

With the glorious (chilly) weather continuing and the spectacular silver siding all but finished, the outside of The Minnie House is shining like a National guitar (© Paul Simon)

The blocking for the deck is continuing and I fully expect to see aluminum planks in place this week.

Now that all of the panels have been erected my next job is to clean the mud off all of the Kynar panels and make them even more blinding.

Maybe I can do that on Sunday... But not if the weather forecast is correct and the next storm arrives at the weekend...

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