Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Up on the Roof With The Blue Man Group

Hold-downs for solar panels from the future
While Hector the Framer and his crew were busy for a second day of constructing the door pans and frames for the big sliding doors at the back of the house, the guys from Dura-Foam spent the day doing their thing up on the roof.

I can't afford a solar panel system right now (plus, it would cost in the region of $11,000 after rebates, and I only expect to spend about $75.00 or less per month on gas and electric, so we're looking at a twelve or thirteen year return on investment) but I'd still like to be a good green citizen and go solar at some point, so I had the Dura-Foam guys install the hold-downs for some future photovoltaic panels before they sprayed the roof.

The Blue Man Group
Once they were finished with the hold-downs, they donned their blue man group outfits and freaky-looking masks and sprayed foam around all of the roof penetrations.

After that was done they let loose, and within a couple of hours an inch and a half of polyurethane foam covered the entire roof.

Wasn't guy on the right in The Empire Strikes Back?
I like the look of this. The foam provides a completely seamless roof, and has an R9 insulation value, so when we add batts in between the I-joists we should be able to easily meet and even surpass the required R30 for the roof.

A roof full of foam penises?
In fact the insulation properties of the foam roof are better than advertised: the light color is reflective so the roof will never get too hot, and because it's seamless there's no way for cold air to penetrate the building.

The finished roof in all its foamy glory
The sliders are taking longer than expected to install but they should all go in tomorrow, when many exciting pictures of The (post-Jim Morrison) Doors will undoubtedly adorn my blog post.

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