Monday, September 20, 2010

The Kit Arrives in a Bright Red Truck

That's one gorgeous big red truck
A very special day. It may have been three hours late - in fact, it was three hours late - but the big bright red truck eventually chugged its way up the hill to the house. We were worried for a while, but it turned out that Dave the Truck Driver was tired and stopped at Los Banos for a two hour snooze that turned into a four hour nap. I was just happy that he was OK and the kit was OK.

Pieces of the kit on the back of the truck
The kit consists of a seemingly random mish mash of Minnie House bits and pieces: wall panels, one interior wall, Simpson Strong Walls, steel posts, Anthony beams, I beams and plywood sheathing for the roof, lots of Simpson hardware, and all of the steel Kynar siding you can eat. And no doubt much more that I'm forgetting.

Rich the Contractor carefully moves the faux wall panels
Rich the Contractor manipulated the Gradall forklift as Hector the Framer guided the forks underneath the palettes, and after a couple of hours of careful work under blazing blue skies the entire kit was safely ensconced on the lot.

Lest anyone think that I'm just paddling in a pool of giddy goodness today, it's my duty to add that there was also a major hiccup... one that's worthy of a post of its own. But in the meantime, how about one more photo of this special day?


Unknown said...


Steven Serba said...

Welcome house!!!

Anna said...

Came here from the yahoo LV group -- this is so exciting!